Written by: Peretz Green


The Five Books of the Pact


Fifth Tablet – The Final New Pact


Step 1 – The Just person who lives in the faith of the First Commandment lives a true life. Thus the Hachamim, of blessed memory, (Bavli, Nezikim Tractate Macot 24, 1) in their Kabbala from the Prophets bound the verse (Habakuk 2, 4) The just man lives in his faith to the First Commandment. This is so we understand that it's possible to establish all the 613 mitzvot to (Ex. 20, 2) 'I am the Lord, your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, from the house of slavery.

Step 2 – The first commandment includes in itself all the commandments. Thus the faith of the Tzadik who lives in his faith believes with true emunah in the Holy One of Israel and its Redeemer, the Lord of Hosts, and in His miracles, portents and wonders. It's known that the first includes what come after it, as the 10 Commandments to the 613 mitzvot. What then does the Just one who lives in his faith come to add?

Step 3 – Let's say first of all that it might not be so explicative to us that all the mitzvot are included in it. More explicative is that the 248 positive mitzvot are included in the first commandment and all the 365 negative commandments are included in the second commandment. Both of them are needed and it for this reason the children of Israel had to hear these first 2 commandments directly from Ha-Shem. We ask, then, why the just one who lives in his faith is bound precisely to the first commandment?

Step 4 – The answer is that if all Israel conducted itself as taught to by Moses, our teacher, there would be need for the second commandment but since it is not so, both are needed to establish the true equilibrium.

The Heart of the Shoshana: Historically between the Church and the Synagogue, the general lowness of their standing in exile formed the need to have strict warnings to abide with the second commandment and everything connected with it in order to reinforce their own faith against the idolatrous religions. Christianity tried to hold on to the concept of the just person lives in his faith as the foundation of Jesus' teaching but eventually they broke away from the laws of the Torah and annulled them until the true content of the second commandment became hidden to them and thus they proclaimed the just person lived in his or her faith not according to its true foundation.

Step 5 – The correct equilibrium comes with the Completed Signs received in merit of the Goel Haim to better understand what the New Balance of the Just one lives in his faith consists of and represents the Fifth Tablet, a New Reception according to the 10 Commandments of the Tzadik who lives in his Faith.

1) The just one lives in his faith

2) The just one who lives in his faith serves only God

3) The just one who lives in his faith trembles when mentioning God's name

4) The just one who lives in his faith keeps his Shabbat

5) The just one who lives in his faith does not sit on his father's place and washes his mother's feet

6) The just one who lives in his faith corrects himself always

7)  The just one who lives in his faith conducts himself modestly with his own wife, how much more so with others

8) The just one who lives in his faith does not steal even one word from another person

9) The just one who lives in his faith does not take oaths but if he is constricted he swears only in the name of God.

10) The just one who lives in his faith knows when to speak and when not to speak.

Step 6 – Why is the foundation of Tzadik be-emunato yihhye bound to the Fifth Tablet of the New True Kabbala and not to the Kabbala of Moshe Rabbeinu or to the Kabbala of the Prophet Elijah? Why is it that believing in the first commandment in all its truth includes all the other contrasting faiths will be dissolved and annulled automatically, so to speak?

Step 7 – Also in the same verse it states, 'and of the unworthy one, his soul will not be upright within him, and the just one will live in his faith. 'Unworthy' (upla) basically means that he has no light in him, and is stubborn in his ways until the righteous person seems to him unjust. There's no way for him to assess the truth but if one is righteous in his faith, then the unworthy one will automatically not live in the truth.

Step 8 - From the darkness of the times certain general prophecies were given to make it easier on people to take those generalities into one's mental formation that include the correct behavior loved by Ha-Shem. The just one who lives in his faith looks into the traits of a good heart and clarifies them in himself and in this way the Torah is guarded in him and his soul and spirit stand before his Father in Heaven.

Step 9 – I dared intimate that these Five Tablets are alluded to in the 2 previous verses, 'and God answered me and He said, 'Write a vision and explain them on Tablets so that a reader can quickly read them. For there is yet another vision in its time, and it will be realized in the end and will not fail; and even if it tarries wait for it for it will surely come and will not be late (or put off).

'Write a vision' these are dreams and visions of the Completed Signs. 'And write it on Tablets' the 13 Tablets of Sefer Mishnat Haim. 'So that a reader can quickly read them' – these are the Gnomen, Steps and Brays that make it easier for a reader to study and understand.

Step 10 – 'For there is yet another vision in its time': after receiving the Completed Signs in the first 17 years until the Final Seal, begins a second period in the vision of the Geula Shleima.

Also the period of 30 years after that of 35 years can refer to the second vision.

In those days all will hope for the end of the terrible Fourth Generation but the end will not fail to come, and even in that tremendous period it will be hard 'to wait' because of the catastrophes, the depression, the confusion and panic, nonetheless, the end will come. One waits for the end but from a position of despair and anguish until only the weak repeating that the end will come will remain as a last hope.

'If it tarries, wait for it, for it will surely come'. - It is a sure thing from God that the times of peace will come and the periods of the Final Redemption in merit of the Goel Haim.

Step 11 – The Just one lives in his faith. It was necessary to have such a generality in order to give hope not only to those of the Torah but also to the nations who have faith in their heart even they are confused in erroneous ideas. Let's take for example those of Ninveh all of whom practiced idolatry and who were enemies and haters of Israel. Nevertheless they believed in the Prophet Jonah, they became afraid of God's punishment, repented and fasted and God forgave them. In that moment they were just people who lived in their faith and Ha-Shem recognized their righteousness. Not without reason is the Book of Jonah read just at Mincha of Yom ha-Kippurim (DObviouslay of Corrections), since there is no better example for the correction of people. Behold if the heart is just, it's possible to correct the rest. Therefore all mitzvot are included in it: the just one lives in his faith and the truth will also be extended to the nations who aren't commanded in 613 mitzvot.

Step 12 – Obviously one who practices idolatry cannot be called a just person who lives in his faith One must serve Ha-Shem only and not other gods. This does not contradict the fact that 'rahhmana libei baei' – 'the Merciful One desires the heart' because the good heart is humble in following God's will and is prone to receive other good traits and knowledge and the necessary changes to be a just person who lives in his faith who serves only God. Clearly also study and knowledge is required: even a person who doesn't know Torah but whose heart is humble will be able in time to correct his defects.

Step 13 – The just person who lives in his faith trembles when he mentions the name of God. In our times it's easy to find men and women who don't know to read or write but there are such as in Africa, They are very temimim and if you speak to them about God they react with their whole body. If you say to to call to Him they will listen to you, will look above and tremble emotionally in calling to the Creator of the world. We cannot imagine how much they are precious and loved before Ha-Shem, Blessed is He, since we have no perception of God's love for temimim, especially in our days. They are just people before Him even though they don't know what Tzadik means.

Step 14 – If you say to me, "What do you understand in such matters and who are you to tell them", you are right but it's not me whose saying these things but the Hidden Tzadik Head of the 36 Hidden Tzadikim in his generation, the Teacher Haim. He knows these matters and he spoke about it many times with profound explanations and meaningful feeling. Sometimes when we were sitting in some Coffee shop in Milan such Africans who for the most part had become Christians would pass by and the Tzadik Haim would speak to them and I was amazed to see their enthusiasm when Ha-Shem was mentioned. The Teacher spoke to me about God's love for their temimut.

Step 15 – The just person who lives in his faith complies to his Sabbath: As we explained in the New Law, the Sages were very sever in the laws of Shabbat. It says here in 'his' Sabbath and not just the Sabbath because one who knows the laws of Shabbat can keep them according to his faith since in the New Law of the Geula Shleima, we somewhat lightened the burden on some of the rabbinic prohibitions.

Step 16 - The just person who lives in his faith does not sit in his father's place and washes his mother's feet: For respect, he should keep his head slightly lowered when he speaks to his father or mother. Ha-Shem, Blessed is He, loves every gesture that demonstrates honor to his parents. One should not exaggerate, however, since exaggerated actions undo their pleasantness but when a person does incline his head before his parents, God blesses him or her especially in our times, where derech eretz is so terribly lacking, a fact that goes against a son or daughter who do not understand that the lack of derech eretz is hated before Heaven.

Step 17 – whoever speaks to his parents with hutzpa as if one might speak to a street friend makes oneself hateful before Heaven without realizing it. Thus should one wash his or her mother's feet to show her how much she is valued and should not sit in the father's chair. These two types of actions are not rational but acts of respect above the intellect. In our times everyone speaks to their parents as they want and argue with them as if they're on the same level rationally. They don't speak with respect in order to comply with the mitzva which is above the intellect and every action of honor is important in this world and even more so in the next world for in this way one lowers his or her will before God's will.

Step 18 – A person must not get angry when his parents are mistaken and if they don't agree let them leave the matter and not insist on their own thought and forgive with love because they are his parents. If on the other hand his parent is willing to listen, one should express himself very mildly and with a smile and with a shlightly lowered head. This is loved before God Almighty. If his parents receive his idea, that's good and if not let not show dissatisfaction or sadness but receive what is said with derech eretz. I speak at length on this matter because because they have great value before Ha-Shem and derech eretz begins with honoring one's parents and if it derives from the roots of a higher fineness and from the source of God's mercy as I learned directly from the Teacher Haim.

Step 19 – The just person who lives in his faith corrects himself always: a person should not think that he has already corrected him or herself and therefore is alright. Many think that if they've already corrected themselves in some trait they're on the right track in that matter but most often it's the opposite. For example those who say, "I'm one who appreciates what is done to me (kfui tova)". Or someone who says he's generous and gives even more than a tenth but if you know him well he loves money and is not as generous as he thinks. So too a person who says he is very patient is mistaken since certain situations often requires even more patience.

Step 20 - In general whoever praises himself is only the Satan, as the expression in Arabic, istafkar fi nafsi eina ele il-satan. It doesn't mean only who speaks about himself but also who thinks so. One must be very care because self-justification is very common since by nature a person wants to see himself as corrected and to feel himself innocent without having to change.

Step 21 – The just person who lives in his faith is modest also with own wife, how much more so with others: What does the modesty with one's wife have to do with modesty with others? Nor does it say with females for that be understood by itself. The intension is that a man who is modest with own wife, especially when he is righteous in his relations with her, this shows that he has already proven to be under the fear of Heaven and this becomes his nature. If so his modesty will always be also before others. Women or men.

Step 22 – One must learn modesty before his wife, also in his preparations with her before their union and then in the union itself, and this must be a constant effort until it becomes as second nature to him. In our days this very hard to find and is not considered natural and its difficult requiring strong efforts to accomplish such a level. One must not be conspicuous or ostentatious before his wife: one should not praise his own body or show his masculinity as a demonstration of his force. But one must not exaggerate and a correct balance is needed; not as certain Hassidic customs which are totally invalid such as placing a sheet with a hole in it between them so as to have less pleasure! This is pure foolishness, undesirable and against nature. The essence is that one has to remain in his fear of Heaven and modesty coincides with a natural act with love and pleasure.

Step 23 – The just person who lives in his faith does not steal even a minute of time from his neighbor. This is a rather delicate mitzva, as the Sages proclaim 'The Holy One Blessedis He is strict (precise) with the Tzadikim as the strand of a hair (Bavli, Yebamot, 121 ,2).

Step 24 – Here, however we aren't speaking about Higher Hidden Tzadikim but of just people who live in their faith. A person can reach a praiseworthy fineness of thought in feeling another person's life, spirit and physic. The fineness of this quality regards also time for time itself is extremely precious and every minute in this world has great value in heaven. Whoever loses time actually loses for his neshama matters of enormous significance above. Thus if a Jew is studying Torah or fulfilling a mitzva or praying or in anything that depends on its time-value, will feel the value of time and will not steal even a minute of his neighbor's time.

Step 25 – The Just person who lives in his faith does not swear but if he is constricted to give oath one must swear only in the name of God. This matter is clear and needs no explanation since an oath is something very sever; if one can avoid it it's better. If one is constricted to swear, as in a Tribunal, also those of the nations, one must know before Whom and in the name of Whom he is swearing and it must be said under the fear of God.

Step 26 – The just man who lives in his faith knows when to speak and when to stay quiet. If of a hundred million years ago I'll stay quiet, and so too concerning preceding worlds. I will, however, speak about monkeys in Holland who climbed up trees and would not come down all while the comet Shoemaker Levi broke into 21 parts when crashing into the Planet Jupiter 7 times. This came to warn people who are looking for 'signs' that gorillas were created at the time of the Tower of Babble. [1]

Step 27 – I cannot speak of the 12 signs of the Zodiac but something can I speak of the 13 New Mazalot of Big Fish Leviathan.

Step 28 – I've described here in a few short phrases of this Fifth Tablet some aspects of the just person who lives in his faith. This is essential in better understanding the traits desired for receiving the New Final Pact in merit of the Goel Haim, even though these qualities were also worthy in the past. The Fine Tablets precedes the Hherem MiDeoraita against the false Kabbala of the Zohar and all that extended Kabbala from Tzephat of 400 years ago. The Five Tablets thus comes to verify our true faith in the Tradition of Israel, the faith required to establish the Hherem MiDeorata.

Step 29 – The Tablets of the New Kabbalah is called in full The New True Kabbalah of Big Fish Leviathan and it contains many subjects (thus called the Wide Tablets of Leviathan): New Light to the Rambam, the New Law, the New Right, the prophetic dreams of the Redemption, the Book that Astounds with the Great Correction of Christianity and the clarification of the true 'messianic' position that Jesus son of Joseph and Mary received, the Reform in Judaism, the Stars of the Redemption, the 13 New Mazalot of Big Fish Leviathan, matters of the Kingdom of Heaven, the Goel Haim, the House of prayer of 7 Floors, 13 Altars of Prayer and the Carpet of Islam: all of these are New Messages of Sefer Mishnat Haim, the Signs concerning the Donkey who eats Bread and the Signs concerning the resurrection of the Goel Haim in the Final Sign of the Resurrection of the Dead.

Step 30 - The Final Redemption is the revelation that completes the full name 'EHEYE ASHER EHEYE'. After the third name there is no longer any exile which is quite difficult for us to imagine now how the world will be when (Isaiah 11,9) 'the knowledge of Ha-Shem will cover the world as the water covers the sea' and (Jeremiah 31 ,33) 'all will know Mi from the smallest to the greatest'. So too the other prophecies of the future final universal redemption in which there be no idolatry or evil hearts or egoism against the nature created by God Almighty.

[1]Those who shoot arrows into the sky to kill 'God' found them returned immersed with blood, and their enthusiasm flared more and more. Elephants are lovable In the Completed Signs those elephants remember in, let's say, their collective subconscious, that original language that existed until the Tower. Gorillas are hated animals who had wanted to make a name for themselves forever. They are indeed very ugly creators and they incite fear because of their brutality. And monkeys are silly. This prophetic to our times because of the extremely popular idea, based on Darwin's Evolution of the Species, that human beings derive from the ape world, God save us. This concept is brutal to one's soul and falsifies all one's thoughts and feelings. But many people are superficial and just plain silly in their thoughts. The Comet Shoemaker Levi plunged into Jupiter in great a Sign the new levels of judgment are coming into the world which correlates to the times of the Final Redemption. The monkeys did something completely anomalous: they climbed up trees and stayed there for the duration of the New Justice is coming; on trees concerning higher matters which has branched out to the world at large. The concept of mankind's deriving from the monkey is as estranged from the truth as is the strange 'sign' of monkeys climbing trees just in time of New Justice. Those who think humans come from apes are directly under a harsh judgment from the Creator of the Heavens and the earth and of all mankind.