Written by: Peretz Green




Part 2: You are blessed with faith


You are blessed with faith. You are believers, the children of believers. You are sons and daughters to the Living God of Israel. You pray to Him, you speak with Him, you reason out your thoughts with Him. You feel His cognizance of your existence. You fire up your souls in knowing Him. You wrap yourselves in garments of sanctity. You prepare yourselves to say His name. You walk simply before Him with humility. You know that you are naught, save what He has made you.

You are the children of Abraham. You are the beloved heirs to the faith in EL SHADDAI. You have walked in the furnace of Nimrod and you have not been burnt because of your faith in EL SHADDAI. To Abraham was revealed the Book of the Stars and he knew many secrets of the universe for his great faith in EL SHADDAI. And you are his children, his beloved descendants, the heirs to his great faith and to his modesty. Abraham, your father and Sarah, your mother, have furnished you in nature with the wonderful faith in EL SHADDAI. You are believers, the faithful children of EL SHADDAI.

 You are believers in the Kingdom of Righteousness and justice. You believe in His power to destroy all evil. You believe that justice will prevail because God is justice in the world and the world exists for His justice. You believe that a Kingdom of Justice will be established on earth as it is in Heaven, a Kingdom of harmony and love. You have faith in the word of God, for God is not a man who speaks and does not fulfill. You have faith in God's love of the poor, the orphans, the widows and the old. You have faith in God's patience to make His justice prevail so that man may take merit in it and gain the privilege of being just and of doing justice.

You have faith in the words of the Prophets: "New things am I creating, new heavens and a new earth" (Isaiah, 65: 17). You move on in time towards every new epoch and you search out the new creations of each period. You do not limit your God to the past. For He is the Creator who maintains His promises while at the same time He is forever creating, blessed is His Holy Name forever. So do you renew your faith in His power everyday and everyday you are awakened to a new creation. You have faith in His forever being above all time. You move outside of time and you discover new dimensions for your faith in the Lord of Hosts.

You have faith in the truth, for in truth there is an everlasting basis. You hate falsehood, dishonesty and treachery. You love a heart that speaks sincerely of what it truly feels. You love truth for its namesake, for in truth you will find truth but in falsehood you will find only falsehood. You cling to the God of truth, for the just man lives in his faith. You have faith in the Hidden Men of Truth who walk in the truth of God for the sake of all humanity. You eradicate your own falsehoods from before the truth of God and you lower yourselves into the heights of his veracity.

You are blessed in the faith in His punishments and of His rewards. You know that all is His to give or to take. You have faith in His knowledge of each person's merits. You know that He is just even unto the finest detail. You know that on the great and terrible Day, He shall distinguish between Israel and its enemies, and between good people and bad people. You fear His greatness and you are afraid of not finding favor in His eyes. You are the pupils of Moses, your Teacher, even in the hardest times.

You have faith in the Resurrection of Israel. You faith in the Resurrection of your spirit. You have faith in all the Promises of your total renewal. You have faith in the rebuilding of the Temple at Jerusalem. You have faith in the blessing that the whole world shall receive from there. You have faith in the Reconciliation of the Prophet Elijah.

Yours is the faith of Jacob in his struggle with Laban. Yours is the faith of Israel reunited with Joseph. Yours is the faith of Moses in his every thought, every word and every action. Yours is the faith in the Revelation at Sinai; you heard directly the Ten Commandments from the voice of God. Yours is the faith in the Pact of Peace received by Pinhass and in the redemptional mission of the Prophet Elijah. Yours is the faith in the new beginning of the Great Faith. Yours is the faith in the New Pact of Jeremiah.

You are the people of the inner sanctity, heirs to the inner Light. You are the chosen friends of the Spirit of Holiness which exists in God's creation. You are the anointed servants of God, the messianic Israel. You are the lovers of the slow moving waters of reflection. You are the heirs of the elevated harmony of a higher music. You are the composers of new melodies for every concept. You are believers, children of the men and women of faith of every age. You are the faithful flocks of Abraham, of Isaac and of Jacob, the chosen Israel. No evil is seen in you and no iniquity is found in you. You are pleasing, in your faith, before the God of Israel.