Written by: Peretz Green





Chapter 3 - You do not understand others



You do not understand others of course. If you thought that all those mystical formulas contained some truth for those who have entered into the secrets of the higher worlds, how did you expect normal people not to err in them? But after the placing of images, you destroyed your own image and no longer could you view with objectivity the image of anyone else. Great is the sin of causing others to sin. Can normal people understand the upper worlds? If monkeys could understand the Torah! The beguiled of Tzfat tradition taught monkeys how to bark like dogs and they took great pride in the force of their new Kabbalah. But owls taught the monkeys to bark like dogs and then swooned down to gauge out the eyes of the infants abandoned in the forest. And the lion was pleased with the uncanny show and said: "Now this is just right for the eyes of a king to behold". So the owls and the monkeys praised the lion and the infants were left to their destruction.

[1]O Calabrese, what did you do? Where did you find all the words? The venom of Balaam was a blessing and the blessing of the Lion was a curse. You poisoned the minds of the nation for four hundred shekels of silver. You destroyed the equilibrium of Israel with the acrobatics of your unleashed pen. You unravelled the mysteries of human fantasy with fantasies of an inhuman mystery. You bolstered the egos of the goblins with concoctions of human thought. You ruined the simplicity of Israel’s faith with the complex ingredients of the Lion’s brew.

Four hundred years of the sin of fathers. Three hundred years of the error of sons. Four hundred years of the splendorous scoundrel. Three hundred years of intellectual hog-wash. You have taken your portion in Leon’s witch-broth. You have eaten the meat of Vital’s pig-stew. And you have called it a Sabbath unto the Lord!

All this you have fed to innocent Jewish children. All this in the name of an emanated Man-God above creation. All this is your imagination, to make you fall deeper into the sin of sins. All this is the golden calf of idolatry which you made in Moses’ absence for lack of patience. All this is the thought of the mixed-multitude. All this is the last victory of Satan in the latter days.

What Emanated God might there be before creation? What insanity has allowed you to go beyond the power of the human brain? Can the human intellect understand the creatio ex nihilo or can it fathom the Maker of all things? And what might it conceive of before creation, chipmunks or rattlesnakes in their emanated essences? You have created a Monkey-God ex nihilo and you dance around it in merry mirth making. Scratch yourselves all over o mystics of the Monkey-Heart and don’t try to escape from your cages. The caretaker will bring you the food of your nature and all will come to gaze at you in your Monkey-Splendor.

Up to the Tower of Babel[2]; Nimrod is chasing you hard. Just a bit more and you’ll be in the heavens. Just a bit more and you will possess the world. Shoot up your arrows to kill Him. Don’t let him spoil your game. Look, His blood has doused all your arrows. You have killed the God of your fathers and you have rendered all His angels lame.

It is no wonder then that He is a jealous God, with all your passions for other gods. With your love for Zeir Anpin, He must certainly show you in the end that you have chosen the wrong partner. You are foolish Gamblers o Israel. You have bet your souls on a reward that doesn’t exist. You have wasted your energies on enhancing an unearthly choice. But you forgot that He will descend to judge your cheating. You have forgotten that He is God and not a man.

O Israel, how many centuries does it take for you to learn? You must walk in simplicity with the Lord your God. You cannot understand His essence, for He is a consuming fire and your brain will get burnt out. Your heart will be ruined and all your desires will go astray. You will wander in meaningless abstractions. You will catch air and you will wind up with nothing. You will not understand God, nor yourselves, nor anyone else. You will be useless unto the Lord, unto yourselves and unto everyone else.

Tear down the walls of your false construction. Burn down the rooms of your ungracious domain. Pull out the beams from your ugly foundation. Destroy all the furniture of your unkempt house. Strip off your old clothing and set them on fire. Purify your bodies in the waters of repentance. Cut off your beards and start from afresh. Make a great bond fire and throw in the volumes of the Zohar and all the rest of the false kabbalah. Cleanse yourselves from four world fabrications and remember to walk in simplicity with the Lord your God

[1] Beersheva, January, 2013: Some years later Solly Kamkhaji received a dream in which it was said, ‘Haim Vital halichato ba-kodesh’ (Haim Vital walked in Sanctity). Even until now Adam gets confused for reason of this dream. What, after all the falsehoods that he wrote in his volumes of ‘Etz Haim' and the full range of errors based on Atzilut of the Zohar etc. etc., how is it possible to establish ‘halichato ba-kodesh’! It’s flabbergasting!

The explanation, nevertheless, must be understood. Indeed, not only around Haim Vital but around HUNDREDS of other great Talmidei Hhachamim who unwittingly fell into the error of Atzilut: Yisrael Baal Shem Tov, the Gaon of Vilna, the Malbim, hundreds of Hassidic Rebbes etc. They were in good faith, they followed every precept of the Torah and Tradition. They had no realization of the terrible yet subtle sin of Atzilut. They are in fact ‘saved’ by Aaron, the High Priest. Moses himself calls Aaron’s error a ‘great sin’ (hhataa gedola (Exodus: 32: 21)) and yet he continued in his sanctity and was never denied his status as High Priest. Had he actually gone out of his ‘walking in sanctity’, such wouldn’t have been possible.

So are these messages to be understood; they are speaking about the sin itself, not about those who were victims to it.

[2]. From the Altar of the Prophet Elijah: From lessons with the Teacher Haim: When the city and the tower were completed, King Nimrod was accompanied to the top in the course of a year, for an entire year was needed to ascend it. The tower was enormous with the large city of Shinar as its base. The tower was constructed on the basis of precise and very complicated astrological calculations and the astrologers of Nimrod were masters of the sciences known at that time. They were, of course, relatively very few, while the rest of the people were of a servile nature and very ignorant.

Some are amazed reading in the Midrash that a third of the generation had in mind to kill God. It is described in Sefer Ha-Yashar how upon reaching the top, they were extremely enthusiastic in their victorious construction. Then they remembered their ambition, took up their bows and arrows and shot them up into the air in order to strike against the Ancient Creator of the universe and to establish Nimrod as the Final God of the Heavens and of the Earth.

The Midrash elucidates that the verse in Psalms (2: 4): "The Lord in heaven laughed and took them in scorn - refers just to that historical moment. When the Lord saw what they doing and how they shot their arrows with such glee at the prospect of killing Him, He ordered, blessed is His name forever, the angels to return their arrows doused with blood. And so did their great joy become uncontrollable, completely convinced in their success in having killed God. - That was the third which was killed when God’s judgement descended to destroy the city and the tower.

Who might not be amazed at the stupidity and of the arrogance that reigned in them at that time. How thickly evil were the brains in that epoch, 4500 years ago, to think that they might conquer space and take over the heavens for themselves, and to believe that they had to replace the Higher Original Creator with the Emanated Man-God Nimrod sitting on the top of their kabbalistic tower of confusion.

The second third of that generation was not much less stupid. They maintained that it was not necessary to kill God, because without His angels and messengers, He could do nothing. It was sufficient to destroy God’s angels in heaven and everything would be theirs. Such was their motivation in shooting their arrows high into air. Therefore God did not kill them but gave them over to the angels to do as they like without killing them. Together the angels decided that these were not worthy to be considered of the human kind even if their faces resembled that of men, and so they decreed that the ‘Face of Man’ of the Higher Chariot be closed off to their essence, and what remained would remain. And so it was; those who were completely filled up with themselves believing that now they were the big owners of the world, became overblown animals with a big trunk, to show how they had opened up their big mouths towards Heaven and how they had blown trumpets joyously for their victory over the angels. Those, instead, whose hearts were evil and violent were turned into vicious beasts retaining certain almost human characteristics as a reminding that they were once men. These beasts were later on called gorillas. Others less vicious became chimpanzees and monkeys.

Also the Fourth Generation of the Tower returns prophetically in its elephant, gorilla and monkey counterparts in this Final Fourth Generation, and those who believe themselves great, and those who believe that man derives from the apes and those who think they can scorn God and not be punished will be turned into elephants, gorillas and monkeys inside themselves in their brain and in their heart.

The third group among them were the faithful servants of Nimrod. They said: We must establish an enormous statue of Nimrod and build for him a great Throne so that there be contact between the higher heavens and the world below with Nimrod our god in the middle of all that exists. So will he be the King of the universe, nourished by the higher heavens and feeder of the world below who bestows his kindness on all his faithful servants.

For these, permission was given to the Seventy Ministerial Angels of the nations to divide the remaining third into 70 groups, to give over their respective languages and to bring each of those seventy groups to that part of the world assigned to each Minister. So those nations were placed under the dominion of their Minister and lost the good portion of the direct dominion of God. As it states ‘God is the portion of Israel’ (Deut., 32: 9) and ‘Jacob is the cord of His inheritance’ (ibid). For Jacob fought with and was victorious over the Ministerial Angel of Esau, and was thus called Israel, YASHAR EL (God is direct), thus reacquiring for his descendants the directness of God’s portion.

So too that third category was desirous of placing a Middle-God between the higher heavens or the Ancient Original and Infinite Creator and the world, such as Pharaoh in the eyes of the Egyptians, and such as the erroneous idea of the mixed-multitude in regards to Moses, and such as the deified Christ of Christian theology, and such as the belief in the dominion of Zeir Anpin, the Emanated Cosmic Son-God, of the false Kabbalah of the Zohar, and such as the messianic Rebbe in the hated city of Lubovitch and the idolatrous tower of Habad. Therefore in their punishment they were no longer able to conceive properly of the Oneness of God.

Yet even Jacob, our father, before he went up to Beth El, to fulfil his oath, had to order his household and his camps to rid themselves of the foreign gods and idols that they still had with them. This has a prophetic essence regarding the Israel of this Fourth Generation. Before it will be able to construct the Final Temple at Jerusalem and at Beer Sheva, Israel will have to be purged previously of the idolatry that it still retained. This refers to the idolatrous doctrines of the Zohar, all the false Kabbalah, all the false hassidut and the representative hated generation of the false messianism of Habad. All these must be destroyed before the Final Redemption will be understood by the Jewish people, allowing for the construction of the third and final Temple.

Therefore when he (Jacob) goes, Habad shall be shattered and those who attempt to follow him will split up into seventy factions, all in disagreement with one another, until in the end they shall be no more. -

But until that time:

Do not hearken unto them;

Do not associate your names with them in any way;

Do not answer to their ‘shalom’;

Do not give them your hands to shake and do not shake theirs;

Do not eat of their slaughter and do not wear tefillin, or put up mezuzot, written by a Habadi.

Be very, very careful not to accept from them the so-called shemirah-matzos for Pesahh and not to drink wine under their supervision.

It is a mitzvah to burn his pictures wherever they are found, also after his death.

Do not laugh with them lest you be pulled into the monkey-cage and be cut off from the rest of Israel by the awesome Hherem Mi-De-Oraita against the last terrible idolatrous sin of the latter days.