Written by: Peretz Green




You do not understand the purpose of Christianity


Try thinking about it as a purpose instead of as a religion. There is nothing valid in Christian theology or in all religious philosophy concerning Christianity and they are outside of any purpose of the Final Redemption except for the Great Correction of Christianity. The redemptional Sign that opens the Gate of the prophesied Reconciliation is the affirmation of the Goel Haim, "This is the Star of Christ, come in virtue of humility".

That first Completed Sign of the Stars, received by Gino Tampieri, is the Great General Sign of the 'Signs' of the Final Redemption. It contains: 1) the Sign of the Goel Haim who is teaching the Book of the Stars of Abraham 2) the Stellar Signs of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob 3) the Sign of the Star of the Fourth Generation 4) the Sign made by the Goel Haim from the Fourth Displaced Star to the Star of Abraham which is in the Sign of the Great Velocity of the Fourth Generation and 5) the Sign of the Star of Christ come in virtue of Humility.

The Star of Christ has 4 main purposes 1) the inevitable Correction of all past Christianity 2) the true revelation and illumination of the messianic mission of Christ 3) the New Message of the Great Reconciliation of the Final Redemption and 4) the New Redemptional and Universal Signs.

Since the Reconciliation of hearts of fathers to sons and sons to fathers are bound to these purposes, they are part of God's Design in the History of the Final Redemption. The building of the Great House of Israel is not only for Judah. It is for all those who have true faith in their heart and for those who are loved by God because of their good actions and for those who await God's salvation, even as they struggle with their painful problems of the present.

Have you no ears to hear, o house of Judah? Now, behold, these have ears to hear with. Not you o House of Judah have received the First Great General Sign of the Third and Final Redemption and of the Great Reconciliation, but an uncircumcised Catholic-born fellow who knows almost nothing of religion although he appreciates true friendship between people and between nations.

Come now, listen, for you have understood nothing of the purpose of Christianity. You know nothing of the House of Bread. I uncover the Hidden Bread Basket for God's love to you but the free choice to eat or not to eat is yours.

All the Bread of Christianity was as yet unbaked until it has finally came upon the Oven of the Star of Christ in its Second Coming for the House of Prayer of the Final Redemption. Here its impurities have been burned out and its high quality grain has been baked with great precision so as to achieve the best taste.

What you have, Christianity does not have, but what Christianity has, you do not have. What do you have o House of Judah, what do you possess? What is the highest thing you wish to claim? You have the Law, you have the Prophets, you have the Written Tradition and the Oral Tradition. Even these, if you have them, you have them, and if you do not have them, you do not have them. And many are those who think they have them, yet they have not, while there are many who think they have not but they are as full as a pomegranate with mitzvot.

If you desire to possess the truth, you must live by that truth; and the selection at the top is much more severe than the selection at the bottom. And the spiritual top is truth; therefore there are no favorites at the level of truth since any move or false word or false thought or any unworthy sentiment will be cast out by the same truth that it has falsified. This is the counterpart to the fact that every good action and every good word and every good thought and every worthy sentiment is loved by the truth which is its source. Such is the fate of Israel.

That which must be said in your favor and that which the Promise impedes from ever being taken away, is that the Living God of Israel has established you with a very high purpose in the Historical Redemption of Israel and of all humanity. The gift of the Lord is that He has elevated you with the purpose of being a light unto the nations. You are the sons of Abraham, of Isaac and of Jacob. You must see that your faith and your light shine out to a multitude of nations and you yourselves must be a nation of priests to administer the blessing of Israel to the nations.

In himself man has no importance. The importance that a person can acquire before Heaven is that he or she fulfill some portion of the Great Construction of good loved by God. In truth, God gives to every man and woman the possibility of fulfilling a purpose which is loved by Heaven, to every man and woman, regardless of race, creed or color. He is the Creator and the Lord of every person. So has He assigned to each person a purpose which is good for the creation and pleasing to the Lord and thus every individual is worthy of being saved and redeemed.

Great is the importance of Israel because to it God has assigned an extremely high purpose in the Historical Design of the Final Redemption. So particular is this purpose that He, Himself, Blessed is His name forever, allowed Himself to be called on their name, the God of Israel, and thus placed upon them something of His eternity: for even if the stars of heaven were to pass away from before Me, the children of Israel shall not pass away from before Me.

The purpose of Israel shall not pass away and the people of Israel are bound to that purpose. Therefore the people of Israel shall not pass away but will continue to be present for the fulfillment of that purpose. Thus did He bind them in an eternal Pact for His namesake. He did not make that Pact with only individuals but with the entire nation at Sinai. Therefore He gave to each individual a co-responsibility one for the other (kol Yisrael 'arevim zeh la-zeh).

Those rabbis who think that their responsibilities lie only with those who are religious are the pious sovereigns of unholy reigns. How can one speak to you of Christians when one cannot even speak to you of Jews! So are you living with a very small "KADOSH BARUCH HU" in your pea sized brains and you cannot see beyond your beards. The other one is a goy and he doesn't count and this other one is exactly like a goy and you can't drink the wine if he touches it. It is you who have given space for the rats to come in and drive away your unguarded flocks.

God is not a personal friend of the religious Jews who does not care about the others. This is fuddle-duddle and bobe maises!.

It is an essential and fundamental teaching of the true Torah, which is the same Torah taught by true teachers, that the Almighty God of Universe loves all that He created, that He has mercy on all living people and animals and that there no favorites in justice. There are no limits to the love of God for that good choice of the children of Adam and Eve: and thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. In your faith you must remember that we are all brothers and sisters, even long before Sinai.

Christianity was your punishment. Therefore it was also your counterpart. In that which you were strong, it was lacking; and it that which you were lacking it was strong. For two thousand years Christianity has been your historical mirror without your knowing it. Therefore have you not liked what you found.

Christianity has been your historical tormentor in accusing you of being the people from whom the Messiah comes but which is unable to understand what the Messianic Mission is all about.

Sometimes it was your punishment, sometimes it was your counterpart and sometimes it was your historical mirror. In your sins, it was your punishment. In your weakness, it was your counterpart. And in the fulfillment of the messianic purpose it was your historical mirror but you did not know it nor did you understand it and therefore you could not have liked what you saw.

I cannot get out of it. I am an angel. It's not my doing. I did not design it. It was not my idea. I did not invent the crucifixion. Nor was it I who brought the Holocaust. It was not I who decreed the resurrection of Yeshua. It was not I who brought you back to the land of Israel. Yeshua was left on the Cross two days and Israel was put on the Cross for two thousand years.

Only now, only now, in the enormous power of the New Pact, in the coming of the Goel and in the Sign of the Second Coming of the Star of Christ, can all understand in retrospect that the poor Jewish Messiah of Nazareth had truly eaten of the Bread of Bethlehem. Only now, in the Great Revelation of the Final Redemption, can Israel understand that it is not complete until it realizes its error and until it corrects its equilibrium in comprehending the universality of the God of Israel.

Therefore has Christianity been your punishment for two thousand years. So was it decreed from Above that the evil done to all the nation by way of the sins of the Doctors of the Law in that generation, would not be erased until that error would be admitted to with the coming of the Final Redemption. Christianity served to this purpose by possessing that which Israel needs for its correction. So has the great dichotomy between the instructed Doctors of the Law and the uneducated masses of that time, come back in the form of the great conflict between the religious and the non-religious in Israel today.

Yet many of the 'uneducated masses' of today are not educated in questions of the Torah but they may well be educated in other things. Be careful o Doctors of the Law, for now there are no masses more educated than those of Israel and of the Jews in general. You cannot pull the wool over their eyes and it is you who will have to answer their questions. They are not seeking some King Solomon to be a Messianic Ruler over them.

At that time, Yeshua came and spoke to the masses and he said: If you are in truth worried about your own soul and you seek to be part of the Kingdom of Heaven, come now, I tell you that if the love of God and of His redemption is in your heart, you are more than the Doctors of the Law. For your hearts are open but their hearts are closed. You will surely enter the Kingdom of Heaven but to them the doors will be closed.

Now too, do not rely on the rabbis to help you understand the Kingdom of Heaven, for they themselves have not found the door. And even when they will find the door, they will still need the Donkey who eats the Bread of the Kingdom, since the Goel Haim gives over the Keys to the Donkeys.

Christianity has been your counterpart, your big brother Esau, who is angry because of the rights of the first-born to the blessing of the father. Yet Esau is big and Jacob is small and Judah has co   me back to his land. It is now time for you o House of Judah to bring the offering to the Seventy Nations, as Jacob's minha to Esau.

What is the offering that you could bring o House of Judah? What do the good folk of the Seventy Nations desire from you? Have you not been given everything? Have you not received the Blessing of your Father in Heaven? Have you not received the Torah and the Prophets and the great oral tradition? Will the Nations not say: Let us go up to Zion to hear the word of the Lord and to learn His ways.

What is missing that you are unable to speak to good Christians? Have you not learned the humility and the wisdom of our father Jacob?

Did Jacob not know that he had in truth received the blessing, and that God's Providence was with him and that the Promise was being fulfilled in him? Yet he bowed down to his brother and he brought him a great gift of flocks, as to the standards of those days. He flattered him and he made himself humble before him. He reached within himself and he touched the vein of brotherhood and he sincerely paid homage to his older brother. Esau was touched deeply. His brotherly love was awakened and he was embarrassed for having wanted to kill his brother, his own flesh and blood. Then they threw their arms around one another, they embraced and they kissed.

As they kissed, six marvelous Angels of God descended from heaven and encircled them from above their heads. These were six 'new angels' born in that moment for the sake of the Great Reconciliation that would take place historically in the far off future at the time of the Final Redemption. These are the six points written in the Torah over the word 'va-yishakeihu' (and he kissed him) (Genesis, 33: 4). These are the Six Great Signs of the Final Redemption, in the Sign of the Great Reconciliation between Esau and Jacob.

It was not the wisdom of Esau that allowed for the reconciliation but rather the humility and the wisdom of Jacob. It was Jacob who to placate the anger and the jealousy of Esau, by showing him honor, respect and love.

Do you not understand o House of Judah? You must speak to them in a language they can appreciate, a language of love to which they can relate. You must speak to them as 'good Christians' so to speak, not only as good Jews.

Yet if Christianity has been a punishment and the counterpart has been very hard, at least understand the purpose of that Messianic Mirror which you looked at without being able to know that you were looking at yourselves.

Christianity had a purpose and it was right. The framework was wrong and the image was all out of proportion but in essence the purpose was right. It said that in the end, the Jewish people would have to recognize the Messianic Mission of Christ. In the end, it said, the stubbornness of the Jewish people would be broken.

Look back to that Mission, o House of Judah, look back to it now with intelligence. See how you were misunderstood among the nations, just as Yeshua was misunderstood among you. You have hated the poor Jewish Messiah instead of loving him. You have considered him a liar instead of appreciating the truths that he spoke. Christianity had a purpose o House of Judah. It inherited the mirror into which you must look at yourselves. You have refused to recognize your own mission. You have not held up the lamp for all to see.

Christianity has said that all humanity was on that Cross with the Messiah. Well the Jewish people has been right up there with Jesus on the cross for two millennia. Then was the Jewish people resurrected and brought back to its homeland.

On its first appearance, however, after his death, Yeshua said, "Do not touch me, for I have not yet risen to my Father in Heaven" (John, 20: 17).

Christianity does not know it (nor does Israel itself) but it is now awaiting Israel's ascent to stand before its Father in Heaven. Then Israel will show itself resurrected and it shall no longer fear anyone's contamination, for its own touch will burn away every impurity. Then Israel shall be a great beacon of light unto the nations.

Let aside your usual study of the Torah for a moment and study the 6 points over the word 'va-yishakeihu'. A Donkey of the Goel Haim, even a Peretz who breaks down the barriers of the past, even Meshullam, deaf and blind servant of the Lord, in the permission of his Teacher from the Kingdom of Heaven is guiding you in your blindness and in your deafness across the prophetic Fourth Generation, the Great and Terrible Day of the Lord.

O House of Judah, be "good Christians" if you want to be good Jews.


Revised by me, Peretz Green, 2016 May.