Written by: Peretz Green



The True Kabbalah of the Tzadik Haim concerning the School of the Essenes



This is an Official Document of the Scuola della Shoshana (School of the Rose) of the Third and Final Redemption, in merit of the Final Goel Haim, concerning the innovations which regard the School of the Essenes. It is incumbent upon me, Paul (Peretz) Green (born in Newark, New Jersey in 1945), to establish in this certain facts exclusively original to the Final New Pact of the Third and Final Redemption regarding the School of the Essenes, regarding the Teacher of Justice, its founder, regarding John the Baptist and regarding Jesus and the Initial Messianic and Redemptional Signs that he received, learned and took out of the School. The principle motivation for this Official Document is 1) to separate that which is original to our writings in the Sefer Shosanat Mishnat Haim (Book of the Rose) from that which is not original in that it is known from the Documents of Qumran, 2) to save the integrity of the innovations reported by me in their proper context of the Final Redemption, from a plagiarism that has already taken place and from any plagiarism that might eventually take place, and 3) to separate said innovations from any other group or Movement or School that pretends to have true knowledge concerning the Essenes and the School of the Essenes; such groups, Movements and Schools already exist. I, Paul Green, am responsible for this document and the exactness of its contents.


First of all, the matter of the Essenes has an essential role in determining the Messianic Mission of Jesus, and such a determination is an integral part of the New Message of the Final Redemption. We are not speaking of conjectures or of suppositions or of the many theories deduced by the scholars of the documents of Qumran in these past 50 years. I myself have not read or studied their works, and I remember reading only one book, "The Dead Sea Scrolls". I did obtain from it, nevertheless 1) some general aspects of the Damascus Rule 2) the Three Messianic Orders in the School 3) the almost proven fact that the Teacher of Justice had been killed in the hands of the High Priest at Jerusalem.

As first Donkey of the Final Redemption, however, responsible for the texts of the Final Redemption, there is no external documentation from which I can draw unless the facts are revealed and confirmed in the Completed Signs or unless I use the basis of the teachings I received directly from the Tzadik Haim concerning the Teacher of Justice, the level of the School, the Secrets in the School, John the Baptist in the School and Jesus in the School. These are 5 categories of the essential matters concerning the School the knowledge of which represents the Total Upheaval of all theological Christianity. I abbreviate them 1) Teacher 2) Level 3) Secrets 4) the Baptist and 5) Jesus. These teachings that I received directly from the Tzadik Haim between 1969 and 1982 are the Foundations of my authority in speaking of the Hidden School of the Essenes.

Let it be noted that the Tzadik Haim did speak of Jesus and his Mission, and the Teacher’s attitude was one of love and regret for the unwarranted death penalty inflicted on him by the Romans when he was only 33 years old. The Tzadik Haim even proffered such revelatory yet ‘hidden’ expressions such as: Jesus was ununderstood by everybody; he spoke good things but the rabbis at that time didn’t understand him and afterwards Christianity fell into error. On another occasion, the Teacher Haim said in a crypt manner and without further explanations, ‘There are prophecies that allude to that Mission’.

It is noteworthy, however, that the Tzadik Haim, my holy Teacher and the Crown of my head, never spoke directly of the fulfillment of a MESSIANIC MISSION in regards to Jesus. “There is a ‘secret’ in the matter” the Teacher revealed to me, “afterwards you will receive it but, unless indicated otherwise, you’ll have no permission to speak of it".

It was only after the death and Resurrection of the Tzadik Haim that in virtue of the First Great Sign of the Stars and the announcement of the Teacher that “This is the Star of Christ come in virtue of humility” that the ‘secret’ of Jesus’ Messianic Mission was revealed and permission was given me to open the revelation in writing for the world. The ‘unless indicated otherwise’ had come unto its time in merit of the chosen Goel Haim, resurrected to preside as Anointed Judge of the Kingdom of Heaven. Only with the Coming of the Third and Final Goel could the ‘secret’ of the Messianism of Jesus be revealed. I thus make here the point that the ‘secret’ of said ‘messianism’ was not revealed to me before the Sign of the Stars seen in Gino Tampieri’s dream in April 1983.

At that moment the teachings of the Tzadik Haim concerning the person of Jesus and the 5 Points mentioned above were fundamental in understanding the true history of Jesus in that Tragic Messianic Mission. If not for the Coming of the Final Redemption, the ‘secret’ revealed to me would have remained in secret and I would have had no permission to speak of it. Now, however, the Final Goel had been chosen and the Sign of the Stars revealed and the Goel himself announced that together with the 4 Stars of the Final Redemption - the Star of Abraham, Star of Isaac and the Star of Jacob, and the Fourth Displaced Star of the Fourth Generation - the New Revelation of the Third and Final Redemption brought the time as well to the (Second) Coming of the Star of Christ, in virtue of humility.

I’m writing this as an historical document of the Donkey who eats the Bread of the Final Redemption, to clarify the manner and times of this reception concerning the truth of Jesus’ Messianic Mission. Until the Sign of the Stars, I did not know nor was it in the realm of my belief, as is true for all Traditional Jews, that there was truly a Messianic Mission upon Jesus. No one, in fact, could have revealed it and declared its truth if not the chosen Goel Haim. This will be better understood in the coming generations when the verification of ALL the Redemptional Signs will be demonstrated in the world to all those remaining after the Fourth Generation. Who can tell the Jewish people that in truth there was a Messianic Mission upon Jesus of Nazareth?

You can thus understand the Wonderful Mission given me by the Tzadik Haim to announce the Star of Christ to the Jewish people! It’s an almost impossible task which nonetheless must be accomplished, and since it comes from God Almighty, it will be accomplished. It is an Integral Key to the realization of the Final Redemption. Be it understood, therefore, the all comprehension regarding Jesus’ Messianic Mission is revealed now within the context of the Final Redemption itself. It will not come from one element or one aspect of the Final Redemption. All is given here within the time element and context of the Fourth Generation itself from which there will be a chain reaction that will cause the ‘world’ afterwards to recognize the Prophetic Truths of the New Message of the Final Redemption. Thus all the aspects of the Completed Signs of the Final Redemption will be recognized and believed, so too the Messianic Mission of Jesus which is only a part of the whole truth of the Final Redemption.

The essential point is that until the Final Goel Haim is recognized as the Teacher chosen for us by God Almighty, no new teaching of the Final Redemption will be accepted by anyone. It is the recognition in God’s choice of the Teacher Haim that opens the doors to all the rest because only then does every teaching of the Goel Haim have validity and meaning. Note well that it’s for this same genre of ‘redemptional reasoning’ that there come literally thousands of Signs for the Final Redemption and they must be written and explained; many years are needed for this purpose; and as we’ve seen, every attempt to extend the New Message until now finds us against worlds of darkness (and scarcity of means etc.) It is extremely difficult to open the Gates that lead to its extension. What is most essential to our purpose is to prepare everything so that all be ready for a world after the Fourth Generation.

Let me again clarify that I, as a Traditional Jew, and even as the first Talmid of the Tzadik Haim having heard many teachings concerning the 1) Teacher 2) Level 3) Secrets 4) the Baptist and 5) Jesus – in the School of the Essenes, did not know that Jesus’ Mission was truly Messianic. I believed, of course, every word of the Tzadik Haim and those teachings became fundamental for the explanations of the Completed Signs of the Final Redemption. This is the faith in which I received these matters, and every matter, from the Tzadik Haim. I believed in the truth of every word he taught me. No doubts ever came on to the scene.

Why, you ask, am I harking so lengthily on this point? It’s because I must emphasize the fact that my knowledge concerning the 5 mentioned categories is directly from the Tzadik Haim, NOT from the documents of Qumran! My knowledge and understanding was enlarged by reading something of the Dead Sea Scrolls, as mentioned, especially regarding the Three Messianic Orders in the School. From the documents, however, the true level of the Teacher of Justice cannot be obtained, nor can the fact of Yohhanan Ha-Matbil’s part in the School be ascertained, and most certainly the fact of Jesus’ being 3 complete years in the School as a full-time for life talmid cannot be ascertained from them. They cannot be known from them. Their acceptance must be rooted in faith, the faith in the teachings of the Tzadik and Goel Haim. Jesus entered the School of the Essenes and remained for 3 full years!

The Teacher of Justice was a true Hidden Tzadik. The Completed Signs confirm this. In general when I speak about Tzadikim, I am not speaking about Traditional Studious Rabbis and Sages of the Holy Torah. The Tzadik Haim was the Head of the 36 Hidden and Suffering Tzadikim. When I refer to true Tzadikim, I refer to the 36 Hidden and Suffering Tzadikim from Mordechai the Jew until the Tzadik Haim. These are true Tzadikim who do not reveal their identity and who suffer decrees that otherwise would fall on the multitudes. These are the Hidden Tzadikim who are the chosen ‘sons of the Ascent’ and whose levels are in higher worlds above and great is their knowledge of the Higher Sanctity.

The word of the Tzadik Haim that the Teacher of Justice (Moreh Tzedek) was a true Tzadik carried with it a profundity that I was unable to measure definitively. The reason was that the Teacher Haim did not say that the Teacher of Justice was of the 36 Hidden Tzadikim. And yet he exalted his level and did call him Tzadik and he revealed to me that the Teacher of Justice in the Prophetic Power of his Higher Wisdom, foresaw the terrible events that were leading Israel to its destruction, God save us. He was thus a ‘Hidden Tzadik’ on a Sanctified Prophetic Level, not simply a Tzadik of the Holy Torah. But the Teacher Haim didn’t say that he was one of the Hidden Tzadikim. I could thus have never established such a fact of my own accord, until it was later received clearly in the Signs, in Noda’s dream, that the Teacher of Justice was of the Hidden Tzadikim.

This revealed fact became pivotal in coordinating the true Messianic Perspective of Jesus’ Mission. Once we received the Completed Signs with the Sign of the Star of Christ come in virtue of humility, the consequence in comprehension was immediate. The Final and Completed Signs required that historically there was a ‘mission’ which regarded the INITIAL SIGNS. And since the Star of Christ of the Completed Signs has a cycle of 2000 years, it became the Star of Christ 2000 years ago. Then was the Second Coming of the Star of Christ. This verified the Initial Sign of the Messianic Star seen by the Three King Magi, thus verifying the Messianic Mission of Christ.

What was it that Jesus received at the School of the Essenes that allowed him to go about that Messianic Mission? The answer was clear. The Initial Messianic and redemptional Signs were hidden in the School of the Essenes. The Tzadik Haim had told me of the very severe oaths taken before receiving ‘secrets’ held by the sworn-in Teachers of the School, but here we’re speaking about the Redemptional and Messianic Signs which are of the Tradition of the Prophet Elijah, of blessed mentioning, in direct relation to the last prophecy of the last prophet Malachi. The vision became clearer but it could never have been understood properly if not for the information that I had received as direct pupil of the Tzadik Haim: The Great Prophet Elijah was the Head of the 36 Hidden Tzadikim of every generation but not in the counting 36. There is thus a closeness of the Hidden Tzadikim to the Prophet Elijah and this was particularly so for the Head of the 36 Hidden and Suffering Tzadikim.

Everything is coming into place. The Initial Messianic and Redemptional Signs were placed in the School of the Essenes. How then could the Teacher of Justice have access to the Messianic and Redemptional Signs if not for the fact that not only was he one of the 36 Hidden Tzadikim but the Head of the 36 Hidden Tzadikim of his generation, the only one person in the world given to know, in every generation, the Hidden Tradition of the Prophet Elijah and the Hidden Signs of the Kingdom of Heaven? It is a necessity that those KEYS be in the world for the sake of humanity’s redemption in the end. The Prophet Elijah, of blessed mentioning, in the other world, is their Head but the secret must be held by one Hidden Tzadik in the world in every generation. It is thus clear that only the Head of the 36 Hidden Tzadikim had access to those Redemptional Signs[1]. The Teacher of Justice decided, for the first time in history, to reveal those secrets, within the context of a 'hidden school' for the sake of Israel’s salvation. It was his choice to do such, for fear of the wrath he saw coming.

A truly holy Refuge was needed to guard over the true Sanctity of the Holy Torah in those last 200 years before the destruction of the Second Temple, ba’avvonot ha-rabbim. I learned this directly from the Tzadik Haim. ‘It was a time to act for God, they have violated Your Torah’ (Psalms, 119: 126). In his jealousy for God and his love for the children of Israel, the Teacher of Justice took upon himself to establish a School of faithful ones, truly instructed in Torah, in the Fear of God and in the Knowledge of His Commandments and he established the orders of the School. So did he reveal in that School the Initial Messianic and Redemptional Signs under extremely strict oath of maintaining absolute secrecy. Thus comes to the fore the Messianic Connection between 1) the last prophecy in Malachi 2) the Tradition of the Prophet Elijah 3) the Teacher of Justice 4) the School of the Essenes, and 5) the Initial Redemptional and Messianic Signs of the Mission that Jesus took upon himself.

Except for a true talmid of the Tzadik Haim, it would not have been possible to understand where the Connection lay. One needs to know the truth concerning the 36 Hidden and Suffering Tzadikim. I alone, Paul, son of Morris Green and Ann Becker-Green, had the great privilege to be the first ever to reveal the truth concerning the 36 Hidden and Suffering Tzadikim although I am not one of them. For when the humble Tzadik Haim was chosen by God Almighty as Goel and Anointed Judge of the Kingdom of Heaven, I was given the position of announcer of the Final Redemption. So was I ordered by the Tzadik Haim in dreams 1) to write the Supplements and introduction for the Book called "Milhhamot Ha-Shem" by the Jewish Sage Yihhye ibn Shlomoh Elgafeh from San'aa, Yemen and to formulate the Hherem Mi-Deoraita (the Excommunication of the Doctrine of Emanation of the Book of the Zohar and of the false messianic Movement of Habad), 2) to be responsible for the House of Prayer of the Final Redemption, 3) to be responsible for the New Law of the Final Redemption, 4) to receive and to formulate the New True Kabbalah of Big Fish Leviathan, 5) to explain all the New Keys of the Completed Signs of the Third and Final Redemption.

All these categories could not have been undertaken by someone who had not been the direct pupil of the Tzadik Haim previously. It would have been impossible to ascertain and to maintain the equilibrium of the Final Redemption. The knowledge of who the Tzadik Haim really was, was a necessity in explaining all the matters of Final Redemption.

Re-seen and revised: 24 November, 2017, Beersheva




[1] This necessity is due to the fact that in every generation these Hidden Signs had to be in the world. It can even be said that in every generation there was one Hidden Tzadik worthy of being the Final Goel, but that Hidden Knowledge was not enough to bring the Final Redemption. With those Signs must be 1) God Almighty’s choice 2) the Time element which is God’s decision and 3) the Redemptional Sacrifice accepted by God Almighty, a Sacrifice that brings the chosen Tzadik to his death and his Resurrection. - -